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The future of work is human! But what do humans need in changing times?

We are excited to invite NZIM Subscribers to join us for a member-exclusive SkillSHARE session.

The aim of this session is explore leadership in the future.


Tuesday 1 April 2025


9.30 – 11.00am followed by morning tea


Leadership House
245 Blenheim Road
Riccarton, Christchurch

It is no longer news to say that change is happening on a large and unpredictable scale. We have the buzz about A.I and technology, its potential to enhance or disrupt workplaces. How will this impact on our people, we will still need them. Internationally we are experiencing a return to transactional style of leadership. How will this impact on leadership behaviours in the future? The answers to these challenges are not binary ‘either-or’ questions either A.I or people, either transactional or transformational leadership. It lies in our capacity to rethink our approaches to people leadership today and in context.

In this session we will explore:

  • What are the anticipated changes in work 2025-2030?
  • How do we rethink the role of people leadership for changing times?
  • What skills are essential for our teams to navigate changing times?

Join us and have an opportunity for discussion and networking with other leaders interested in leadership in the future.

Registration is complimentary for NZIM subscribers and in addition to yourself, you are welcome to register one other guest. Please note places are limited.

To register please email

We look forward to welcoming you to this valuable learning and networking event.