Leadership Academy in Auckland in 2023
Scheduled to start in April 2023 (available to book now), NZIM's Leadership Academy Team Leader series consisting of Essential Skills, Building Effective Teams and Courageous Conversations will build a team leader's confidence and accelerate their capabilities, covering off the fundamental understanding and skills of an effective leader. Available as a five day development series or split into the three individual programmes (2-day, 2-day and 1-day respectively).
Also in the mix for 2023 is the world renowned 'Four Quadrant Leadership' programme. An intensive 2 day programme whose fundamental purpose is to increase the understanding of human behaviour and provide managers and leaders with the skills to become more successful. As relevant for new as experienced leaders, this is a programme of self reflection, exploration and deep understanding of the elements and dynamics of successful leadership.

Auckland Programmes are available to book now through our Courses page.